-- -- --English Language Menu Text File -- --This file is processed by MASPREP to generate MASMENU.DAT. --The .DAT file is used by MASMENU to control its actions. -- --Revised: 10-16-84 rwb ver 1.0 --Revised: 10-31-84 sgr ver. 1.9 backup w/spaces -- --First, we have to define the ever-present cursor prompt -- "Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to move the darkened bar to your choice. Then, press the right-arrow key. To exit this menu, press ESC" -- --Main menu title -- "FARED ROBOT SYSTEMS" -- --Current version -- " Theron White" -- --Main menu title -- "Main Menu" -- --24/12 hour flag -- 24 -- --Date ordering -- "-mdy" -- --Start defining menu groups -- "Edit" "SPFPC is a versatile yet structured text editor patterned after IBM's main frame editor." { "Run SPFPC" "This choice will activate the SPFPC editor." ** cd\utils spfpc cd\menu ** } -- --Word processing menu -- "Word Processing" "This option leads to a sub-menu that contains programs to handle your word processing needs." { "WordStar" "WordStar is a popular word processing program developed by MicroPro. A standard in the industry for many years, WordStar still maintains a strong popularity with many, many microcomputer enthusiasts." ** cd\wordstar ws cd\ ** "Install WordStar" "This program allows you to customize your copy of WordStar however you want it. NOTE: Be sure to name the installed version of WordStar WS.COM." ** cd\wordstar winstall ws cd\menu ** } -- --Spreadsheets -- "Spreadsheet" "This option takes you to a menu of spread-sheet program choices." { "Lotus 1-2-3" "Probably the best spreadsheet program on the market." ** cd\lotus lotus cd\menu ** } -- --Telecommunications -- "Telecommunications" "This option leads to programs which allow your computer to transfer data to other computers via a modem." { "QMODEM" "QMODEM is a public domain program that provides you telecommunications in a user easy windowing environment." ** cd\qmodem qmodem cd\menu ** } -- --Backup & Restore -- "Back Up Hard Disk" "This option takes you to a menu which provides you with choices for making backup copies of the information on your hard disk. Backing up your data cannot be done too often." { "Back Up Everything" "This option will back up all files on the hard disk in all of the directories onto floppy disks. Have plenty of blank, formatted, floppy disks handy." ** backup d:\ a: /S ** "Back Up Modified" "This option will back up all files that have been modified since the last back up was run." ** backup d:\ a: /S /M ** "Back Up File" "This option will back up files from your hard disk onto floppy disks. When asked for format, respond with the following: pathname\filename.ext Example: To back up that letter you wrote to Tom, you could type: main\write\totom.txt which means back up file totom.txt in the sub-directory D:\main\write." ** backup d:\$"format?" a: ** "Restore Files" "This option will copy files from floppy onto the hard disk. When asked for the File Specification, respond with the following format: main\write\*.txt. This would restore all .txt files in your word processing directory." ** restore a: d:\$"File specification? " ** "Restore All" "This option will copy all the files from your backup floppy disks to hard disk. Beware of this operation, as it will replace ALL of the information on your hard disk with the information on your floppy disks." ** restore a: d:\ /S ** } -- --DOS Utilities -- "DOS Utilities" "This option will guide you through some of your operating system's utility programs." { "Format a Floppy Disk" "This option will allow you to format a floppy disk to make it usable for storing information." ** format a: ** "Space on Hard Disk" "This option will tell you how much space is left on your hard disk. It also checks the integrity of the file structure on your hard disk. For more on this, check your MS-DOS users guide." ** chkdsk/f pause ** "Directory" "This will show you the names of your files. When asked for the pathname, respond in the format: c:\pathname , e.g., to see the file names in your word processing directory, type: c:\main\write; for your spreadsheet directory, type: c:\main\calc." ** dir $"Pathname? "/p pause ** "Copy Files" "This option will allow you to copy files from one drive to another. When asked for Source, respond in the following format: drive:\path\ filename.ext When asked for Destination, respond in the same format as Source." ** copy $"Source ?" $1"Destination ?" ** "Diskcopy" "This option will allow you to make a copy of a floppy disk. Follow the instruction for inserting and switching the source and destination diskettes. The source diskette is your original, the destination diskette a blank (possibly unformatted) disk." ** diskcopy a: b: ** } -- --Special utilities -- "Special Utilities" "This selection will give you a variety of special utilities to choose from. Many of the utilities are resident programs and can be used with must other application programs" { "PCTOOLS" "PCTOOLS is a DOS utility that provides many of the standard DOS functions as well as sector editing and undeleting of files. This selection will just run PCTOOLS. To use it as a resident program, select Activate PCTOOLS." ** cd\utils pctools cd\menu ** "Activate PCTOOLS" "This selection will load PCTOOLS into resident memory and then return you to this menu. Once PCTOOLS is loaded use the CTRL and ESC keys to activate it." ** cd\utils pctools/r128k cd\menu ** "Sidekick" "Sidekick is a resident desktop accessary program. It provides a calculator, notepad, phone directory, ASCII table, and program help." ** cd\utils sk cd\menu ** "Norton's Utilities" "This is the new version of Norton's Utilities. It provides the ability to undelete files, map disk usage and many, many more file and disk management and troubleshooting functions." ** cd\utils norton cd\menu ** "Norton's Index" "How fast is your PC. This program will provide that information based on the standard IBM PC. With a rating of 1 for the standard IBM PC, all other PC compatible machines can be compared." ** cd\utils sysinfo pause cd\menu ** "Printer Control" "This program allows special printer codes to be sent to certain printers from a menu driven program" ** cd\utils st cd\menu ** } -- --Recreation -- "Recreation" "Tired of Lotus 123? Bored with Wordstar? Take a break with a computer game or two!" { "Chess" "This public domain version of chess is easier to use. Whether it's easier to beat is up to you. The screen looks alot like Sargon III. Who's pirating who?!?" ** cd\games chess2 cd\menu mode co80 ** }